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    Empowering Communities

    Welcome to Pan African Legacy

    PAL's mission is to empower and unite African immigrants, fostering pride in their cultural heritage while promoting connections with other communities. We are dedicated to cultivating a harmonious environment where individuals of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds can coexist and collaborate.


    We offer free programs, dedicated to helping people build connections, increase self-awareness, improve mental health, enhance emotional intelligence, and gain confidence to make positive changes.

    Adult Computer Literacy Class

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    Be My Buddy

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    Bridging Digital Divide

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    Culture Exchange Sessions

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    Hoza Mpela Vhiki – Weekend Club

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    Let’s go to Africa

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    Through Three Generations

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    Ubuntu Souls Youth Mental Health and Wellness Program

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    Unforgotten Histories

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    Get Involved

    At PAL, we empower and unite African immigrants, fostering pride in their cultural heritage while promoting connections with other communities.

    Pan African Legacy is a cross-community service organization that offers an integrated African wellness program built around the concept of village-hood providing a home-away-from-home for Africans in Manitoba and Canada at large and giving a taste of Africa to other non—African members of our community.

    PAL is a destination of cultural knowledge creation by providing opportunities for creative and artistic cultural expression and empowerment of the communities we support.